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Night Session at the Green Boulders

Rock climbing at the Green Boulders in Hawaii

Angel inspects the holds. (They are small.)

Rock climbing at the Green Boulders in Hawaii

Nancy starts the Northern Whale boulder problem at the Green Boulders.

Rock climbing at the Green Boulders in Hawaii

Rock climbing at the Green Boulders on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii.

Matt hits the lip on the Norther Whale boulder problem.

Last week, Matt, Joe and Nancy organized a nighttime bouldering session at the Green Boulders. The Green Boulders is a secluded bouldering spot tucked away in a valley on the Oahu’s North Shore. You get here by hiking up a short yet sweat inducing trail for 45 minutes or so. The forest opens up and you see some of the largest free standing boulders on the island. (See how how the Green Boulders look during the day.)

We spent the night climbing and unwinding. It was a different type of pau hana.

The Green Boulders sit under a forest canopy and there was just a sliver of a moon. Without headlamps, it would be pitch dark. A strong lantern helped provide ambient light.

Kukui nuts are everywhere. They can be lit like candles.

Matt hiked this behemoth into the valley to provide some sounds. The amp/speaker runs off a car battery. This thing goes to eleven.

The crew sits and chats on the rocks surrounding the Green Boulders.

After a bit of chit-chatting, it’s time to climb. Joe straps on his new climbing shoes.

Nancy, reaches the second move on the Northern Whale problem.

The group watches Angel switch his right hand to an under-cling grip.

Angel sets up to reach for the second move. A tiny left hand crimp.

Angel hits the lip on the Northern Whale problem.

Joe starts the Northern Whale problem.

Nancy and Angel watch Joe climb.

Joe hits the lip as Nancy (hands) spots.

Matt uses an impossible left hand pinch to move up the Norther Whale problem. This hold is tiny.

Matt hits the lip as Nancy spots.

Matt mantles over the lip and tops out over the boulder.

This is my attempt at the Northern Lights traverse.

Phil and I work on the Northern Lights traverse as Angel works on the Northern Whale problem.

Angel attempts a new line on the boulder.

Failing miserably on the Norther Lights traverse, I attempt to climb the smaller warm-up boulder.

The third move is a match on this big shelf.

Angel shows us the beta (“beta” = a hint or demonstration on how to complete a climb).

The crew watches Phil attempt a different start on this boulder. Starting lower on a boulder can significantly increase the difficulty level of a boulder problem.

Phil completes the more difficult line on this warm-up boulder.

Matt repeats the route.

An expression of joy after completing the warm-up route. (For me, it wasn’t a warm-up, it was a project.)

See also

This story was last modified on March 25, 2013. (Originally published in September 2011.)

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