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Koko Crater Tramway

Path to the trail head

More of a work out than a hike, this trail takes you from the bottom to the top in a straight line. You walk up 1,048 “steps” that are the remnants of an old rail track. I do this hike about once a week, usually on Sundays. It’s tough at first but once you get to the top you feel so good that you forget all the pain you put your body through to get there. It’s addicting.

View to the right of the path leading up to the trail head.

What I like about this hike is that you get so much out of it in a short time. You get a great work out and great views, all in under an hour. I love the short walk to the trail head. Doesn’t feel like Hawaii huh?

The path to the trail head.

And being on the Windward side of the island, you get great clouds and colors in the sky.

The first step. Someone recently wrote this. Probably an accountant.

I’ve done this hike over 20 times now but each time I’m here looking at this view, I ask myself, “Why am I doing this again?” And then I remember, “Ah, yes, it sure beats being in the gym with a bunch of sweaty dudes.”


View from the top

I say: go in the evening. The earliest I’ll start this hike is around 5:30. I did it once around 2 and I thought I was gonna pass out. It’s very strenuous and the cooler the air is the better. So here’s the view from the top. At this point I’m sweating my ass off and out of breath. But, then I turn around and see this view. The sun has set and the lights of Hawaii Kai are just starting to turn on. Magnificence.



So now I’m back down now and it’s getting dark. Everything gets eerie looking. But I like it. Koko Head looks pretty ominous here.


A tree

But if you turn on the flash you can get some sweet looking shots.

Okay, the hikes over now. The routine now has been to grab dinner at Greek Marina if I’m hiking with some people, or if I’m hiking alone I do my grocery shopping at the nearby Foodland. Pretty much the perfect way to cap off an evening.

This story was last modified on October 13, 2013. (Originally published in July 2009.)

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