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This guy right here is Shaun (a.k.a. 2scoopsofaloha). The photo is a self portrait.

I’ve been following Shaun on Instagram for over a year now. The photos he posts are thoroughly entertaining. His images are bright and bold, and his creative direction is on point. Sometimes his photos will have me cracking up laughing and sometimes I just enjoy the eye-candy he creates. 

We went on a hike last month (see story: Windward Ridge Loop Hike) and I was able to chat with and get to know Shaun. I have to say, sometimes people’s personalities really show through in their photography. See that photo above? That’s totally Shaun. Dude is a fun guy.


Shaun recently launched his own website to feature his photography. The site is called FuntographyHi ( and it’s about keeping photography fun, in Hawaii. (I guess that was pretty self explanatory huh?)

funtographyhi_19-2 is a showcase of Shaun’s photography and a blog that provides detailed information on how certain types of shots were created. This one for instance (featuring photographer Jake Marote in costume) was created using a technique where you stand shirtless and light steel wool on fire and spin it over your head. You’ll probably want to read Shaun’s instructions first before trying this out on your own.


Another subject he covers is taking long exposure shots at sunset.


As a photo showcase, FuntographyHi gives you a chance to see Shaun’s photos at a larger size than your smartphone can offer.


These nighttime shots are a specialty of his.


I’ve always wanted to shoot photos from up on one of these pedestrian bridges. Seeing photos like this from Shaun is making me think I need to get out for a night session soon.


You’ll also find a gallery of Shaun’s wildlife photography on FuntographyHi.


This honu is so sleepy.


Being a Hawaii local boy, the water seems to be where Shaun is at home.


As with many surfers that take photos, much of Shaun’s photography inspiration is drawn from views of barreling waves.


He’ll tease you with views of empty line-ups.


And he’ll let you and your dirty mind tease yourself.


Shaun spends his time below the water as well.


When I was chatting with him at the top of the Koolaus on a gorgeous hike, he kept looking at the ocean and talking about how much he wanted to go for a dive.


When dusk comes around Shaun doesn’t miss a beat. This guy is prolific. (You should see his gallery of sunsets.) He mentioned he tries to bring his camera with him everywhere. I think that’s plays a huge part in him being able to capture all these unreal moments.


Sunsets like these have been a common sight of late with the vog in the air.


Shaun is one of those guys that never stops exploring.


And joining him on many of these adventures, is this guy @jake_of_all_trades.


You can view all of Shaun’s images (and request prints) at and you can connect with him on Instagram at @2scoopsofaloha.

Like me, photography is Shaun’s hobby and form of creative release. And also like me, Shaun is a small business owner. But whereas I design websites and apps for a living, Shaun can help you make your house or condo look beautiful. His main gig is running his window covering business. If you’re looking for plantation shutters in Hawaii, check him out at G&S Shutter Designs.

See also:

  • Shaun credits local photographer (and friend of Unreal Hawaii) John Hook for inspiring him to focus on keeping photography fun. See story: John Hook Photography.
  • More Unreal Hawaii features on local photographers can be found in the Inspiration section.

This story was last modified on March 5, 2014. (Originally published in March 2014.)

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